*student or postdoctoral associate author advised, co-advised, or mentored by L.J. Moore
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Jay, K., Hacker, S. D., Hagen, C.D., Stepanek, S., Moore, L.J., and Ruggiero, P.R. (In press) Quantifying the relative importance of sand deposition and dune grasses to carbon storage in U.S. Central Atlantic Coast dunes. Estuaries and Coasts.
*Franklin, B., Moore, L.J., and Zinnert, J., 2024. Predicting barrier island shrub presence using remote sensing products and machine learning techniques. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences.129 (5),
*Anarde, K. A., Moore, L. J., Murray, A.B., and *Reeves, I. R. B., 2024. The future of developed barrier systems: 1. Pathways toward uninhabitability, drowning, and rebound. Earth’s Future, 12, e2023EF003672.
*Anarde, K. A., Moore, L. J., Murray, A.B., and *Reeves, I. R. B., 2024. The future of developed barrier systems: 2. Alongshore complexities and emergent climate change dynamics. Earth’s Future, 12, e2023EF004200.
*Reeves, I.R.B., Moore, L.J., K. Valentine, S. Fagherazzi, and M. L. Kirwan, 2023. Sediment exchange across coastal barrier landscapes alters ecosystem extents. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(14), e2023GL103680. doi: 10.1029/2023GL103680
Hovenga, P. A., Ruggiero, P.R., *Itzkin, M.I., Jay, K.R., Moore, L.J., Hacker, S.D., 2023. Quantifying the relative influence of coastal foredune growth factors on the U.S. Mid- Atlantic Coast using field observations and the process-based numerical model Windsurf. Coastal Engineering, 181,
Jay, K., Hacker, S., Hovenga, P., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., 2022. Sand supply and dune grass species affect foredune shape along the US Central Atlantic Coast, Ecosphere, e4256, DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4256
*Reeves, I.R.B., Goldstein, E.B., Moore, L.J., & Zinnert, J.C., 2022. Exploring the impacts of shrub-barrier feedbacks with an ecological-morphological model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127, e2021JF006397.
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero P., and Hacker, S.D., 2022. Combining process-based and data-driven approaches to forecast beach and dune change, Environmental Modeling and Software, 153, 105404,
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., Hacker, S.D., & Biel, R.G., 2021. The relative influence of dune aspect ratio and beach width on dune erosion as a function of storm duration and surge level, Earth Surface Dynamics, 9, 1223-1237,
Hovenga, P.A., Ruggiero, P., Goldstein, E.B., Hacker, S.D., and Moore, L.J., 2021. The relative role of constructive and destructive processes in dune evolution on Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: Women in Geomorphology Special Issue. 46(14), 2824-2840.
*Reeves, I.R.B., Goldstein, E.G., *Anarde, K.A., and Moore, L.J., 2021. Remote bed level change and overwash observation with low-cost ultrasonic distance sensors. Shore & Beach, 89(2), 22-30. DOI: 10.34237/1008923.
*Reeves, I.R.B., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., *Anarde, K.A., & Goldstein, E.B., 2021. Dune dynamics drive discontinuous barrier retreat. Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL092958.
*Straub, J., Rodriguez, T., Luettich, R., Moore, L.J., *Itzkin, M., Ridge, J.T., Seymour, A.C., Johnston, D.W., and Theuerkauf, E.J., 2020. The role of beach state and the timing of pre-storm surveys in determining the accuracy of storm impact assessments. Marine Geology, 425. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106201.
*Reeves, I., Moore, L.J., Goldstein, E.B., Murray, A.B., Carr J., and Kirwan, M., 2020. Impacts of seagrass dynamics on the coupled long-term evolution of barrier-marsh-bay systems. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005416.
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., Hacker, S.D., 2019. Effects of sand fencing on the morphology of natural dune systems. Geomorphology. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106995.
Woods, N., Dows, B.L., *Goldstein, E.B., Moore, L.J., and Young, D.R., and Zinnert, J.Z., 2019. Interaction of seed dispersal and environmental filtering affects woody encroachment patterns in coastal grassland. Ecosphere, 10(7). DOI: e02818.10.1002/ecs2.2818.
Ruggiero, P.R., Cohn, N., Hoonhout, B., *Goldstein, E.B., de Vries, S., Moore, L.J., Hacker, S., Durán Vinent, O.D., 2019. Simulating dune evolution on managed coastlines: exploring policy options with the Coastal Recovery from Storms Tool. Shore and Beach, 87(2), pp. 36-43. DOI: 10.34237/1008724.
Hacker, S.D., Jay, K.R., Cohn, N., *Goldstein, E.G., Hovenga, P.A., *Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Mostow, R., *Mullins, E. and Ruggiero, P., 2019. Species-specific functional morphology of four U.S. Atlantic Coast dune grasses: biogeographic implications for dune shape and coastal protection. Diversity, 11(5). DOI: 10.3390/d11050082.
*Mullins, E.D., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., *Jass, T., Bruno, J.F. and *Duran, O.D, 2019. Investigating dune-building feedback at the plant level: insights from a multispecies field experiment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4607.
Zinnert, J., Via, S., Nettleton, B., Tulley, P., Moore, L.J., Stallins, J., 2019. Connectivity in coastal systems: barrier island influences upland migration in a changing climate. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14635.
Cohn, N., Hoonhout, B.M., *Goldstein, E.B., de Vries, S., Moore, L.J., *Durán Vinent O., and Ruggiero, P.R., 2019. Exploring marine and aeolian controls on coastal foredune growth using a coupled numerical model. In Special Issue of Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, G. Ruessink and C. Schwarz, eds., 7(13). DOI: 10.3390/jmse7010013.
*Goldstein, E.B. *Mullins, E., Moore, L.J., *Biel, R.G., Brown, J.K., Hacker, S.D., Jay, K.R., Mostow, R.S., Ruggiero, R., Zinnert J.K., 2018. Literature-based latitudinal distribution and possible range shifts of two US east coast dune grass species (Uniola paniculata and Ammophila breviligulata). PeerJ. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4932
*Goldstein E.B. and Moore L.J., 2018. A calibration workflow for coastal dune models. Shore & Beach, 86(3), pp. 47-51, DOI: 10.31223/
*Lauzon, R., Murray, A.B., Moore, L.J., *Walters, D., Kirwan, M., Fagherazzi, S., 2018. Effects of marsh edge erosion in coupled barrier island-marsh systems and geometric constraints on marsh evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 123(6), pp. 1218-1234, DOI: 10.1029/2017JF004530.
Antolínez, J. A., Méndez, F. J., Murray, A.B., Moore, L.J., **Farley, G., and Wood, J., 2018. Downscaling changing coastlines in a changing climate: The hybrid approach. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. DOI: 10.1002/2017JF004367.
*Goldstein, E.B., Moore, L.J., and *Durán Vinent, O., 2017. Vegetation controls on maximum coastal foredune ‘hummockiness’ and annealing time. Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 417-427, DOI: 10.5194/esurf-5-417-2017.
*Yousefi Lalimi, F., Silvestri, S., Moore L.J., and M. Marani, 2017. Coupled Topographic and Vegetation Patterns in Coastal Dunes: Remote Sensing Observations and Ecomorphodynamic Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences,v. 122, n. 1, pp. 119-130. DOI: 10.1002/2016JG003540.
Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P. and *Durán Vinent, O., 2016. Vegetation control allows autocyclic formation of multiple coastal dunes. Geology, v. 44, n. 7. DOI: 10.1130/G37778.1.
*Goldstein, E.B. and Moore, L.J., 2016. Stability and bistability in a one-dimensional model of coastal foredune height. JGR-Earth Surface, v. 121, n. 5. DOI: 10.1002/2015JF003783.
*Durán Vinent, O. and Moore, L.J., 2016. Reply to Comment on Bistability of barrier islands induced by biophysical interactions. Nature Climate Change, v. 6. p. 6. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2474.
Elko, N., Brodie, K., Stockdon, H., Nordstrom, K., Houser, C., McKenna, K., Moore, L., Rosati, J., Ruggiero, P., Thuman, R. and Walker, I., 2016. Dune management challenges on developed coasts. Shore & Beach, v. 84, n. 1, pp. 15-28.
*Rogers, L., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., Hein, C., Lorezon-Trueba, J., and Ashton, A. 2015. Anthropogenic controls on overwash deposition: Evidence and consequences. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface. 120, 2609–2624, DOI: 10.1002/2015JF003634.
*Brenner, O.T., Moore, L.J. and Murray, A.B., 2015. The complex influences of backbarrier deposition, substrate slope and underlying stratigraphy in barrier island response to sea level rise: Insights from the Virginia Barrier Islands, Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Geomorphology. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.06.014.
Pelletier, J.D., Murray, A.B., Pierce, J.L., Bierman, P.R., Breshears, D.D., Crosby, B.T., Ellis, M., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., Heimsath, A.M., Houser, C., Lancaster, N., Marani, M., Merritts, D.J., Moore, L.J., Pederson, J.L., Poulos, M.J., Rittenour, T.M., Rowland, J.C., Ruggiero, P., Ward, D.J., Whipple, K.X., Wickert, A.D., Yager, E.M., 2015. Forecasting the response of Earth’s surface to future climatic and land-use changes: An assessment. Earth’s Future. DOI: 10.1002/2014EF000290.
*Durán Vinent, O. and Moore, L.J., 2015. Bistability of barrier islands induced by biophysical interaction. Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2474.
*Johnson, J., Moore L.J., Ells, K., Murray, B., Adams, P., Jaeger, J., MacKenzie, R. 2015. Recent shifts in coastline change and shoreline stabilization linked to storm climate change. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3650.
*Walters, D., Moore, L.J., *Duran, O., Fagherazzi, S., and Mariotti, G. 2014. Interactions between barrier islands and marshes affect island system response to sea level rise: Insights from a coupled model. Journal of Geophysical Research—Earth Surface. DOI: 10.1002/2014JF003091
*Brantley, S.T., *Bissett, S.N., Young, D.R., *Wolner, C.V., Moore, L.J., 2014. Barrier island morphology and sediment characteristics affect the recovery of dune building grasses following storm-induced overwash. PLOS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104747.
Moore, L.J., *Patsch, K., Williams, S.J., and List, J.L., 2014. Barrier islands poised for geomorphic threshold crossing in response to rapid sea-level rise: Insights from numerical model experiments, Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, USA. Marine Geology. DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.05.022.
Moore, L.J., McNamara, D.E., Murray, A.B, and *Brenner, O., 2013. Recent shifts in large-scale coastline erosion patterns linked to storm climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 40, DOI: 10.1002/2013GL05731.
*Duran Vinent, O. and Moore, L.J., 2013. Vegetation controls on the maximum size of coastal dunes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1307580110.
*Grady, A.E., Moore, L.J., Storlazzi, C., Edwin, X., Reidenbach, M., 2013. The potential influence of future sea-level rise and changes in fringing reef morphology on gradients in alongshore sediment transport. Geophysical Research Letters. V. 40, n. 12, pp. 3096- 3101. DOI: 10.1002/grl.50577.
*Wolner, C.V., Moore, L.J., Young, D.R., Brantley, S.T., Bissett, S.N., McBride, R.A., 2013. Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and barrier island response to disturbance: Insights from the Virginia Barrier Islands, Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Geomorphology, v. 199, pp. 115-128, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.03.035.
Moore, L.J., List, J.H., Williams, S.J. and Stolper, D., 2010, Complexities in barrier island response to sea-level rise: Insights from model experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, DOI: 10.1029/2009JF001299.
Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P.R. and List, J., 2006. Comparing high water line and datum-based shorelines: Implications for shoreline change. Journal of Coastal Research, v.22, n.4, pp. 894-905.
Morton, R.A., Miller, T.L., and Moore, L.J., 2005. Historical shoreline changes along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: A summary of recent shoreline comparisons and analyses. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 21, n. 4, pp. 704-709. DOI: 10.2112/04-0230.1.
Moore, L.J., Jol, H.M., Kruse, S., Vanderburgh, S. and Kaminsky, G.M., 2004. Annual layers revealed in the subsurface of a prograding coastal barrier, southwest Washington, U.S.A., Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, n. 5, pp. 690-696.
Moore, L.J., Kaminsky, G.M., and Jol, H.M., 2003. Exploring linkages between coastal progradation rates and the El Niño Southern Oscillation, southwest Washington, USA. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 30 n. 9, 1448, DOI: 10.1029/2002GL016147.
Moore, L.J., *Sullivan, C., and Aubrey, D.G., 2003. Interannual evolution of multiple longshore bars, Truro, Massachusetts. Marine Geology, v. 196, no 3-4, pp. 127-144. DOI: 10.1016/S0025-3227(03)00028-8.
Solow A and Moore, L.J., 2002. Testing for trend in a partially incomplete hurricane record II, 1900-1998. Journal of Climate, v. 15 n. 21, pp. 3111-3114. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(2002)0152.0.CO;2.
Moore, L.J. and Griggs, G.B., 2002. Long-term cliff retreat and erosion hotspots along the central shores of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Marine Geology, v. 181, n. 1-3, p. 265-283. DOI: 10.1016/S0025-3227(01)00271-7.
Solow, A. and Moore, L.J.,2000. Testing for trend in a partially incomplete hurricane record. Journal of Climate, v. 13 n. 20. DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(2000)0132.0.CO;2.
Moore, L.J., 2000. Shoreline mapping techniques. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 16 n. 1, pp. 111-124.
Moore, L.J., Benumof, B., and Griggs, G.B., 1999. Coastal erosion hazards in Santa Cruz and San Diego Counties, California. In: Crowell, M. and Leatherman, S.P. (eds.), Coastal Erosion Mapping and Management, Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue No. 28, pp. 121-139.
Hapke, C., Gibbs, A., Richmond, B., Hampton, M., Jaffe, B., Dingler, J., Sallenger, A., Benumof, B., Brown, K., Griggs, G., Moore, L., Scholar, D., Storlazzi, C., Krabill, W., Swift, R., and Brock, J., 1998. A collaborative program to investigate the impacts of the 1997-98 El Nino along the California coast. Shore and Beach, v. 66, pp. 24-32.
Pinet, P.R., McClennen, C.E., and Moore, L.J., 1998. Unpacking environmental complexity: a geologic appraisal of shoreline erosion along southeastern Lake Ontario, New York. In: Welby, C. W. and Gowan, M. E. (eds.), A Paradox of Power: Voices of Warning and Reason in the Geosciences, Reviews in Engineering Geology XII, The Geological Society of America, pp. 9-21. DOI: 10.1130/REG12-p9
Griggs, G.B., Moore, L.J., Tait, J.F., Scott, K. and Pembrook, D., 1996. The effects of the storm waves of 1995 on beaches adjacent to a long-term seawall monitoring site in northern Monterey Bay, California. Shore and Beach, v. 64, n. 1, pp. 34-39.
Books and Consensus Reports
Moore, L.J. and Murray, A.B., eds., 2018. Barrier Dynamics and Response to Changing Climate. Springer, New York, 395p, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68086-6.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018. Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (L.J. Moore, one of 12 appointed committee members)
Chapters, Reports, and Book Reviews
Moore, L.J., *Anarde, K.A., *Reeves, I.R. B., Murray, A.B., *Goldstein, E.B., and Zinnert, J., 2023. Dune-storm interactions, shrubs and management decisions drive coastal barrier behavior and affect future habitation. Coastal Sediments 2023, pp. 2240-2247.
Moore, L.J., and Murray, A. B., 2022, Islands on the Move, Nature Geoscience, August 4, 2022,
Murray, A.B., Coco, G., Ashton, A.D., Moore, L.J., McNamara, D.E., Limber, P., 2021, Modeling Nearshore, Barrier, Cliff, and Coastline Morphodynamics, In: Treatise in Geomorphology (Second Edition), Schroder, J.F (Ed.). pp. 50-61. doi: 10.1016/B978-0- 12-818234-5.00148-6
Hovenga, P.A., Ruggiero, P., Cohn, N., Jay, K. R., Hacker, S. D., Itzkin, M., & Moore, L. J., 2019. Drivers of Dune Evolution in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC. In: Coastal Sediments 2019 – Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, P. Wang and J. D. Rosati (eds.), World Scientific, Miami, FL, USA, pp. 1283–1296. DOI: 10.1142/9789811204487_0112.
Raubenheimer, B., Chen, Q., Elgar, S., Michael, H., Moore, L.J., Stark, N. 2019. The nearshore water-land system during major storms. In: Coastal Sediments 2019 – Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, P. Wang and J. D. Rosati (eds.), World Scientific, Miami, FL, USA, pp. 13-24. DOI: 10.1142/9789811204487_0002.
Murray, A. B., and Moore, L. J., 2018. Geometric constraints on long-term barrier migration: from simple to surprising. In: Moore L.J., Murray A.B. (eds.). Barrier dynamics and response to changing climate. Springer, New York, pp. 211-241.
Moore L. J., *Goldstein E. B., *Vinent O. D., *Walters D., Kirwan M., Lauzon R., Murray A. B., Ruggiero P., 2018. The role of ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and landscape couplings in influencing the response of barriers to changing climate. In: Moore L.J., Murray A.B. (eds.) Barrier dynamics and response to changing climate. Springer, New York, pp. 305-336.
Moore, L.J., *Duran Vinent, O., Walters, D., and *Goldstein, E.B., 2015. Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and couplings between landscape units affect barrier island response to changing climate. In: Coastal Sediments 2015, P. Wang and J. D. Rosati (eds.), World Scientific, Miami, FL, USA. DOI: 10.1142/9789814689977_0246. )
Goldstein E.B., Oliver A.R., deVries E., Moore L.J., Jass T., 2015. Ground control point requirements for structure-from-motion derived topography in low-slope coastal environments. PeerJ PrePrints 3:e1800. DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.1444v1.
Smith, M.D., Murray, A.B., Gopalakrishnan, S., Keeler A. G., Landry, C.E., McNamara, D., Moore, L.J., 2015. Geoengineering coastlines? From accidental to intentional. In: Baztan, J. (ed.) Twenty one Solutions for Twenty-first Century Coastal Zone Management, United Nations.
Guy, D.E. and Moore, L.J., 2011. Geologic Setting and Processes along Lake Erie from Fairport Harbor to Marblehead. Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Division of the Geological Survey, Cleveland, OH, 78p.
Moore, L. J., J. H. List, S. J. Williams, and *K. Patsch, 2011. Barriers on the brink: the complex intertwined roles of geologic framework, sediment availability and sea-level rise in island evolution. In: Coastal Sediments 2011, P. Wang, J. D. Rosati and T. M. Roberts (eds.), pp. 272-285, World Scientific, Miami, FL, USA. DOI: 10.1142/9789814355537_0021.
*Wolner, C. V., L. J. Moore, D. R. Young, *S. T. Brantley, and *S. N. Bissett, 2011. Dune builders vs. overwash maintainers: the potential influence of an ecomorphodynamic overwash feedback on barrier island response to climate change. In: Coastal Sediments 2011, P. Wang, J. D. Rosati and T. M. Roberts (eds.), pp. 258-271, World Scientific, Miami, FL, USA. DOI: 10.1142/9789814355537_0020.
Moore, L.J., List, J.H., Williams, S.J. and Stolper, D., 2007, Modeling barrier island response to sea-level rise. In: Kraus, N. and Rosati, J., (eds.), Coastal Sediments 2007, American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 3, pp. 1153-1164. DOI: 10.1061/40926(239)89.
Moore, L.J., 2005. Review of A Celebration of the World’s Barrier Islands by Orrin Pilkey and Mary Edna Frasier, (Invited), Palaios, v.20, n.1, pp. 97-98. DOI: 10.2110/palo.2003.p03-74.
Morton, R.A., Miller, T.L., Sallenger, A., and Moore, L.J., 2004. “The national assessment of shoreline change: A GIS compilation of vector sand associated shoreline change data for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. USGS OFR 2004-1089.
Morton, R.A., Miller, T.L., and Moore, L.J., 2004. National assessment of shoreline change: Part 1 Historical shoreline changes and associated coastal land loss along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, USGS OFR 2004-1043.
Moore, L.J., Jol, H.M., Kaminsky, G.M., and Kruse, S., 2003. Severe winter storm effects revealed in stratigraphy of prograding coastal barrier, Southwest Washington, USA. In: Davis, R.A., Sallenger, A., and Howd, P, (eds.), Coastal Sediments 2003. American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 1-9.
Moore, L.J., Morton, R.M., Sallenger, A., 2002. Historical Coastal Change Hazards for the Conterminous United States and Hawaii: Initial Progress under the USGS National Coastal Assessment. DOI: 10.3133/ofr02191.
Moore, L.J., and Griggs, G.B., 1998. Measuring shoreline erosion: Techniques, accuracy and strategy. In: Magoon, O.T., Converse, H., Baird, B., Miller-Henson, M., (eds.), California and the World Ocean ’97, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp.719-730.
Benumof, B., Moore, L. J., and Griggs, G.B., 1998. Coastal erosion: The state of the problem and the problem of the state. In: Magoon, O.T., Converse, H., Baird, B., Miller-Henson, M., (eds.), California and the World Ocean ’97, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, pp. 505-514.
Benumof, B.T., Moore, L.J., and Griggs, G.B., 1998. FEMA and state-of-the-art coastal erosion mapping along the San Diego County coastline, California. In: Ewing, L. and Sherman, D. (eds.), California’s Coastal Natural Hazards. USC Sea Grant Program, pp.719-730.
Griggs, G.B., Tait, J.F., Moore, L.J., Scott, K., Corona, W., and Pembrook, D., 1997. The interaction of seawalls and beaches: eight years of field monitoring, Monterey Bay, California. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center Technical Report, 34p.
Teaching Resources
Moore, L.J., 2005. An assessment of hillslope stability using the factor of safety. Laboratory exercise focusing on development of quantitative skills for use in Earth Surface Processes courses
Models & Software
*Anarde, K. A., *Reeves, I. R. B., Hutton, E., Williams, Z., Murray, A. B., & Moore, L. J., 2024. UNC‐CECL/CASCADE: Release for Earth’s Future Publications: The future of developed barrier systems ‐ Parts I & 2 (Version v1.0.0). Zenodo.
*Reeves, I.R.B., Moore, L.J., *Anarde, K., 2021. Barrier 3D v 2.0, A spatially explicit model of coastal barrier evolution. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4730988
*Reeves, I.R.B., Moore, L.J., *Anarde, K., 2020. Barrier 3D v 1.0, A spatially explicit model of coastal barrier evolution, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4730989
*Reeves, I.R.B., Moore, L.J., 2020. GEOMBEST++Seagrass 1.0 (Geomorphic Model of Barrier, Estuarine, and Shoreface Translations + Marsh + Seagrass). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3242095
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P. and Hacker, S.D., 2020. Automorph; Dune morphology extraction tool in support of “The effect of sand fencing on the morphology of natural dune systems.
Cohn, N., Hoonhout, B. Goldstein, E., de Vries, S., Moore, L., Duran, O.V., and Ruggiero, P., 2019. Tool relating to: Exploring marine and aeolian controls on coastal foredune growth using a coupled numerical model.
*Lauzon, R., Moore, L.J., and Murray, A.B., 2017. Geombest-PlusPlus 1.0 (Geomorphic Model of Barrier and Estuarine Translations-Plus Dynamic Marsh and Wave Edge Erosion). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1248198.
*Durán Vinent, O. and Moore, L.J., 2017. Coastal Dune Model, v2.0. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.847746.
*Durán Vinent, O. and Moore, L.J., 2015. Coastal Dune Model, v1.0. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.16161
*Walters, D., Moore, L.J., *Durán Vinent, O., Mariotti, G. and Fagherazzi, S., 2015. GEOMBEST-Plus (Geomorphic Model of Barrier and Estuarine Translations- Plus Dynamic Marsh), v.1.0, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16687
Moore, L.J., and Stolper, D., 2012. GEOMBEST (Geomorphic Model of Barrier and Estuarine Translations), v 1.1. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.16576
Data Sets
*Franklin, B., Moore, L.J. and Zinnert, J.C., 2024. LIDAR Derived Dune-Crest Elevation Values and Shrub Prediction Morphometrics for the Virginia Coast Reserve Barrier Islands: 2010 – 2017 ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.
*Anarde, K. A., Moore, L. J., Murray, A. B., and *Reeves, I. R. B., 2023. Simulations for “the future of developed barrier systems—Part 1 & Part 2”. Figshare.
*Reeves, I., *Anarde, K., and Moore, L.J., 2022. Record of storm events and associated water levels for the Virginia Coast Reserve, 1980-2013. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.352
*Reeves, I., Goldstein, E.B., *Anarde, K. and Moore, L.J. 2019. High-frequency observations of overwash water and bed elevations from five MeOw (Measuring Overwash) stations: Smith Island, VA, August-November 2019. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.324.2 doi:10.6073/pasta/9d866b9636973697984ae92a688d0f4b
*Reeves, I. and Moore, L.J., 2021. Simulation data of barrier migration behavior and morphology from Barrier3D. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.325.2 doi:10.6073/pasta/d2b133e539f87f38f241b97e64ddaa06
*Reeves, I. and Moore, L.J. 2022. Simulation data of barrier-shrub interactions from the Barrier3D model. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.345.1 doi:10.6073/pasta/5b59143f40b0b73f01337281f1ae1b51
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., Hacker, S.D., and *Biel, R.G., 2020. The influence of dune aspect ratio, beach width and storm characteristics on dune erosion for managed and unmanaged beaches; Data set. Zenodo.
*Reeves I. and Moore, L.J., 2019. Marsh widths from GEOMBEST++Seagrass simulations of barrier-marsh-bay evolution. Environmental Data Initiative.
*Reeves I. and Moore, L.J., 2019. VCR bay depth and seagrass shoot density data for parameterization of GEOMBEST++Seagrass. Environmental Data Initiative.
*Lauzon, R., Moore, L.J. and Murray, A., 2018. Backbarrier marsh widths derived from GEOMBEST++ simulations of barrier island/marsh evolution. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.283.1.
*Goldstein, E., *Mullins, E., Mullins, E., Moore, L.J., *Biel, R.G., Brown, J.K., Hacker, S.D., Jay, K.R., Mostow, R.S., Ruggiero, R., Zinnert J.K., 2017. Locations of published studies focused on Uniola paniculata and Ammophila breviligulata along the US east coast (NJ-NC). Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.282.1.
*Mullins, E. and Moore, L. J., 2017. Locations of Uniola paniculata on selected Virginia Barrier Islands. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.263.2.
*Mullins, E., Jass, T., *Goldstein E., and Moore, L.J., 2016. Transplanted grasses on Hog Island, VA2014-2015. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.273.2. DOI:10.6073/pasta/33342ab787bf554becbaa22fa9360bfc.
*Walters, D. and Moore, L. J., 2016. Model-derived backbarrier marsh width from GEOMBEST+ simulations of barrier island-marsh coupled evolution for a range of environmental conditions. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.255.5.
*Walters, D. and Moore, L.J., 2016. Width of back-barrier salt marshes on the coast of Virginia 2010. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.254.4.
*Walters, D. and Moore, L.J., 2016. Organic matter and sand content for backbarrier marsh cores from Metompkin island, VA 2012. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.253.4.
Wolner, C. and Moore L.J., 2012. Hog and Metompkin Island Beach Characteristics of the Virginia Coast Reserve 2010. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.194.15.
*Wolner, C., Moore, L.J., * Bissett, S., *Brantley, S. and Young, D., 2012. Vegetation and Morphology of Hog and Metompkin Islands of the Virginia Coast Reserve 2010. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.195.15.
*Wolner, C. and Moore, L.J., 2012. Sediment Characteristics of Hog and Metompkin Islands of the Virginia Coast Reserve 2010. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.199.16.
*Wolner, C. and L.J. Moore. 2010. Topographic GPS profiles of Hog and Metompkin Island Cross-shore Transects of the Virginia Coast Reserve 2010. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.198.18.
*Oster, D. and L.J. Moore. 2009. Beach Morphology of the Virginia Barrier Islands 1998, 2005 and 2009. Virginia Coast Reserve Long-Term Ecological Research Project Data Publication knb-lter-vcr.279.1.
Recent Published Abstracts
Moore, L.J., *Anarde, K.A., *Reeves, I.R.B., Murray, A.B., Goldstein, E.B., and Zinnert, J., 2024. The Role of Dune-Storm Interactions, Dune-Shrub Dynamics and Management Decisions in the Evolution and Future Habitation of Barrier Islands, CC23B-O3. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2024 (Oral presentation)
Moore, L.J., Odendahl-James, J., Williams, K., and Busch, K., 2024. Performing Science to Promote Learning and Engagement: The Development of Rollover to Communicate the Impacts of Climate Change on Barrier Island Coastlines and Communities, ED44A-0193. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2024 (Poster presentation)
*Franklin, B., Moore, L.J., Zinnert, J. 2023. Predicting barrier island shrub presence using remote sensing data and machine learning, EP31C-2107. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023.
Moore, L.J., Anarde, K.A., Reeves, I.R.B., Murray, A.B., and Zinnert, J., 2023. Dune-storm interactions, shrubs and management decisions drive coastal barrier behavior and affect future habitation. Coastal Sediments ’23, New Orleans, LA, April 2023. (Oral presentation)
*Franklin, B., Moore, L.J., Barksdale, M.B., Hein, C.J., and Kirwan, M.L., Anarde, K.A., and Reeves, I.R.B., 2022. Calculating Blue Carbon Fluxes from Barrier Island Migration, EP56B-006. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2022.
Van Blunk, A., Anarde, K.A., Murray, A.B., Moore, L.J., and Sherwood, C., 2022. Modeling the Effects of Outwash Events on Barrier Island Evolution, EP13A-02, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2022.
Riffe E, Moore L.J., Zinnert J. 2022. Species Effects on Dune Building. Long Term Ecological Research All Scientists’ Meeting. Monterey, California.
Anarde, K.A., Williams, Z., Hutton, E., McNamara, D., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., Smith, M., 2022, Simulating linkages between landscape evolution and coastal real estate markets with the CoAStal Community-lAnDscape Evolution (CASCADE) model. Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) All Hands Meeting, Boulder, CO., May 2022.
Moore, L.J., Anarde, K., Corbett, D.R., Gopalakrishnan, S., Luettich, R., McNamara, D., Mullin, M., Murray, A.B., Smith, M., Wand Watzin, M., 2022. Enabling Convergent, Co-produced, Coupled Human-Natural Dynamics Research to Support Coastal Resilience: Building the Collaboratory for Coastal Adaptation over Space and Time (C-CoAST), AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 2022.
*Franklin, B., and Moore, L.J., 2021. Do Coastal Foredunes Tend to Grow Toward a Maximum Dune Height? AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 2022.
*Eiseman, E., Germillion, S., Wallace, Wozencraft, Moore, L.J., 2021. Washover deposit mapping and volume quantification from regional airborne lidar and aerial imagery AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 2022.
*Anarde, K., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., *Reeves, I., and *Franklin, B., Pathways to barrier drowning arising from coastal management of the nearshore to the back-barrier. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021.
Hovenga, P., Ruggiero, R., Moore, L.J., *Itzkin, M., Jay, K., and Hacker, S., 2021. Quantifying the rates and styles of coastal dune growth using observations and a coupled numerical model. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021.
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P, Hacker, S. D., Palmsten, M. L., Buckley, M., A New Approach to Forecasting Dune and Beach Change on Developed Barrier Islands, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021.
*Reeves, I., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., *Anarde, K., and Goldstein, E.B., 2021. Dune-Storm Interactions Drive Discontinuous Barrier Retreat AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021.
(Invited) Moore, L.J., 2020. Transdisciplinary Science, Creative Communication and the Integration of Researcher, Stakeholder and Practitioner Expertise to Support Resilience along Barrier Island Coastlines. Annual Meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union, November 4.
*Anarde, K., *Reeves, I.R.B., Murray, A.B., and Moore, L.J., 2020. A coupled model framework for simulating barrier island and coastline response to climate change and land use. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Online. December 16.
Jay, K.R., Hovenga, P.A., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., Hacker, S.D. 2020. Investigating the relative roles of sand supply and dune vegetation on foredune morphology in the US North Carolina Outer Banks. American Geophysical Union Meeting. Online. December 16.
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P.R., Hacker, S.D., 2020. Modeling dune growth and recovery on developed barrier islands. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Online. December 16.
Hovenga, P.A., Ruggiero, P., *Itzkin, M., Jay, K., Moore, L., Hacker, S.D. 2020. Modeling Variable Dune Evolution in Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina. AGU Fall Meeting. Online. December 16.
Hovenga, P.A., Ruggiero, P., Itzkin, M., Jay, K., Moore, L., Hacker, S.D., 2020. Modeling variable dune recovery in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC. ASBPA 2020 National Coastal Conference. Online. October 13-16.
(Keynote Address) Moore, L., 2019. The role of ecomorphodynamic feedbacks, landscape couplings and natural-human dynamics in determining the fate of coastal barrier systems. River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics Symposium, November 16-20, Auckland, New Zealand. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68086-6_10.
Hovenga, P.A., Ruggiero, P., Cohn, N., Jay, K., Hacker, S.D., *Itzkin, M., and Moore, L.J., 2019. Drivers of dune evolution in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC. Coastal Sediments 2019, May 27-31, St. Petersburg, FL. DOI: 10.1142/9789811204487_0112.
(Keynote Address) Raubenheimer, B., Chen, Q, Elgar, S., Michael, H., Moore, L.J., and Stark, N., 2019. The nearshore water-land system during major storms. Coastal Sediments 2019, May 27-31, St. Petersburg, FL. DOI: 10.1142/9789811204487_0002.
*Reeves, I., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., Murray, A.B., Carr, J., and Kirwan, M., 2019. Impacts of seagrass dynamics on the coupled long-term evolution of barrier-marsh-bay systems, Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Annual Meeting, May 21-23, Boulder CO.
*Biel, R.G., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B, 2018. Influence of vegetation dynamics, wave climate, and shoreline change on dune field development. LTER All Scientists’ Meeting 2018, October 1-3, Pacific Grove, CA, Abstract B-F066.
*Reeves, I., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E., Murray, B., Carr, J., and Kirwan, M., 2018. Impacts of seagrass dynamics on the coupled long-term dynamics of barrier-marsh-bay systems, presented at 2018 LTER All Scientists’ Meeting, Pacific Grove, C.A., October 1-3, Abstract A-F067.
*Biel, RG and Moore. L.J., 2018. Inhibition or facilitation of dune development on barriers: The influence of back-beach vegetation on barrier island stable states. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 5-10, New Orleans, LA, Abstract 8.
*Biel, R., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., *Itzkin, M., 2018. Influence of wrack on coastal foredune development and dune habitat complexity, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10-14; Washington D.C., Abstract EP11A-07.
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., Cohn, N., Hovenga, P.A., Hacker, S., and *Biel, R., 2018. Influence of Sand Fences on the Decadal-Scale Morphology of a Developed Barrier Island, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10-14; Washington D.C., Abstract EP23C-2321.
Glickson, D., Ozkan Haller, T., Carter, G., Cebrian, J., Dalrymple, R.A., Fischbach, J., Misra, S., Irish, J.L., Kolker, A., Smith, M., Kreidler, H., Tornqvist, T., Devane, C., Wong-Parodi, G., Moore, L.J., 2018. Understanding the Long-Term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System: The Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10-14; Washington D.C., Abstract GC51A-03.
*Reeves, I.R.B., *Goldstein, E.B., Zinnert, J., Moore, L.J., 2018. Coupled Interaction of Shrubs, Dunes, and Barrier Overwash, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10-14; Washington D.C., Abstract EP23C-2310.
Straub, J.A., Rodriguez, A.B., Luettich. R.A., *Itzkin, M., Ridge, J.T., Theuerkauf, E., Seymour, A., Moore, L.J., Johnston, D.W., 2018. Analysis of predicted dune erosion along North Carolina barrier island shorelines, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 10-14; Washington D.C., Abstract EP23C-2323.
Cohn, N., Hoonhout, B., Ruggiero, P, deVries, S., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., Duran Vinent, O.D., Roelvink, J.A., 2018. Synchronization of sediment exchanges between the nearshore, beach, and dune: Insights from field observations and a coupled numerical model. American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, Portland, Oregon, Abstract CD33A-03.
Hovenga, P., Ruggiero, P., Cohn, N., Hacker, S., Jay, K., Mostow, R., Moore, L.J., *Itzkin, M., *deVries, E., and *Goldstein, E.B., 2018. Post-Hurricane Matthew dune recovery in Cape Lookout National Seashore, NC, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, Portland, Oregon, Abstract CD33A-08.
*Itzkin, M., Moore, L.J., Ruggiero, P., Cohn, N., Hovenga, P. and Hacker, S., 2018. Quantifying the geomorphic effects of sand fencing at interannual scale, Bogue Banks, NC, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, Portland, Oregon, Abstract CD34A-0113.
Moore, L.J., *Duran, O., Ruggiero, P, Goldstein, E.G., 2018. From stem to crest to island: Vegetation control on coastal foredune morphology, dune state, and barrier response to climate change, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, Portland, Oregon, Abstract CD34A-0122
*Mullins, E., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.G., *Jass, T., Bruno, J., and Duran Vinent, O., 2018. Insights from a field experiment into the dune-building capacity of three U.S. Atlantic dune grass species: Ammophila breviligulata, Spartina patens, and Uniola paniculata. American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, Portland, Oregon.
*Reeves, I., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., Murray, A.B., and Carr, J., Kirwan, M., 2018.Impacts of seagrass dynamics on the coupled long-term evolution of barrier-marsh-bay systems. American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, Portland, Oregon, Abstract 314954.
Murray, A.B., Alvarez Antolinez, J.A., Mendez, F., J., Moore, L.J., Wood, J., and *Farley, G., 2017. Autogenic and allogenic: Emergent coastline patterns interact with forcing variations, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 11-15, New Orleans, Louisiana, Abstract EP51D-01.
Alvarez Antolinez, J.A., Murray, A.B., Moore, L.J., Wood, J., and Mendez, F. J., 2016. A hybrid framework for downscaling time-dependent multivariate coastal boundary conditions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract, EP24B-05.
*deVries, E., Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., *Jass, T., 2016. Effects of cross-shore location and deposition on dune grass growth. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract EP33C-1004.
(Invited) Moore, L.J., *Duran, O., Ruggiero, P., and *Goldstein, E.G., 2016. From stem to crest: Vegetation control on the maximum height, alongshore continuity, number and spacing of coastal foredunes, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract EP32B-04.
*Goldstein, E.B., Moore, L.J., *deVries, E., *Duran, O., and Ells, K., 2016. Using Structure from Motion data to calibrate a model of coastal dunes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract EP11A-0959.
Ruggiero, P., Hacker, S., Moore, L.J., *Duran Vinent, O., and deVries, S., Beach and dune building processes: Linking nearshore to backshore and events to decades, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract EP24B-02.
Roelvink, D., Cohn, N., deVries, S., *Durán, O., Hoonhout, B., Moore, L., Costas, S., Ruggiero, P., 2016. Advances in Coupled Modelling of Beaches and Dunes, International Coastal Symposium, March 6-11, Sydney Australia.
Hoonhout, B., Cohn, N., de Vries, S., Roelvink, D., Ruggiero, P., Moore, L.J., *Duran, O., and *Goldstein, E., 2016. How tides and waves enhance aeolian sediment transport at the sand motor, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-26, New Orleans, LA, Abstract MG21A-02.
Cohn, N., Hoonhout, B., Ruggiero, P., Moore, L.J., deVries, S., Roelvink, J.A., *Duran Vinent, O., and *Goldstein, E.B., 2016. Exploring nearshore-beach-dune interaction through a coupled modeling framework, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-26, New Orleans, LA, Abstract MG21A-01.
(Invited) Moore, L.J., Roelvink, J.A., Ruggiero, C., Cohn, N., Hoonhout, B., *Duran, O., *Goldstein, E.G. and deVries, S., 2016. Crossing the shoreline divide: Toward modeling the co-evolution of dune, beach and nearshore systems, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 21-26, New Orleans, LA, Abstract MG14A-1921.
*Goldstein, E.B., Moore, L.J., *deVries, E., *Jass, T., *Duran, O., 2015. Plant sensitivity to burial and coastal foredune morphology, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18, Abstract EP23B-0959.
Yousefi Lalami, F., Sylvestri, S., Moore, L.J., Marani, M., 2015. The relationship between vegetation and topographic patterns in coastal dunes from LiDAR and optical remote sensing, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18, Abstract B43C-0578.
*deVries, E., *Goldstein, E.B., and Moore, L.J., 2015. The influence of storm frequency on barrier island bistability: Assessing alongshore distributions of foredune height along the U.S. Atlantic Coast, November 1-4, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), p.418.
**Hahne, S., *Devries, E., Moore, L.J., and Cable, J.E., 2015. Exploring groundwater dynamics in a coastal foredune environments, November 1-4, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), p. 315.
*Jones, M.B., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., McNamara, D.E., and Fenster, M.S., 2015. Considering holistic coastal response to climate change and management scenarios, November 1-4, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), p. 328.
*Lauzon, R., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., *Walters, D.C., Kirwan, M.L., and Fagherazzi, S., 2015. Effects of lateral erosion by wind waves in coupled barrier-island marsh systems, November 1-4, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), p.331.
(Invited) Moore, L.J., *Duran Vinent, O., *Walters, D.C., *Lauzon, R., Murray, A.B., and Kirwan, M.L., 2015. Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and couplings between barrier and back-barrier environments influence holistic system response to changing climate, November 1-4, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), pp. 419.
**Oliver, A.R., *Goldstein, E.B., *Devries, E., Moore, L.J., and *Jass, T., 2015. Let’s go fly a kite: Kite-based structure from motion in coastal settings, November 1-4, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47(7), pp. 732.
*Goldstein, E.G., Moore, L.J., and *Duran Vinent, O., 2015. Morphodynamic consequences of species competition on coastal foredunes. 9th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, August 30 – September 9, Iquitos, Peru.
*deVries, E., *Goldstein, E.B. and Moore, L.J., 2015. Vegetation controls on coastal foredune size: Field and remote sensing. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 4-9, Baltimore, MD, Abstract PS 26-53.
Yousefi Lalami, F., Silvestri, S., Moore L.J., and Marani, M.2015. Remote sensing of vegetation density in coastal dune systems, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 4-9, Baltimore, MD, Abstract PS-117.
*Jones, M., Moore, L.J., and Murray, A.B., 2015. Considering holistic coastal response to climate change and management scenarios, Community Surface Modeling Dynamics Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO, May 26-28, Boulder, CO.
Cohn, N., *Goldstein, B., Ruggiero, P., and Moore, L., 2015. Towards assessing the coastal zone as an integrated system: the development of a coupled nearshore and aeolian dune model, Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System Annual Meeting, May 26-28, Boulder, CO.
Moore, L.J., Duran Vinent, O., *Walters, D., and *Goldstein, E.B., 2015. Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and couplings between landscape units affect barrier island response to changing climate. Coastal Sediments 2015, San Diego, CA, May 11-15.
*Goldstein, E.B., Moore, L.J., *Durán Vinent, O., and *Jass, T.L., 2014. Species-specific control on coastal foredune morphology along the U.S. East Coast, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract EP31B-3559.
*Jass, T.L., Moore, L.J., Young, D.R., Bruno, J.F., Durán Vinent, O., and Goldstein, E.B., 2014. Considering the different roles of Ammophila breviligulata and Spartina patens in coastal foredune formation and growth. Abstract EP31C-3576, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Lauzon, R., Moore, L.J., Murray, A.B., *Walters, D., Fagherazzi, S., and Mariotti, G., 2014. Marsh edge erosion effects in coupled barrier Island-Marsh systems. Abstract EP31B-3543, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Moore, L.J., Bruno, J., Durán Vinent, O., Fagherazzi, S., *Goldstein, E.,B., *Jass, T., *Lauzon, R., Mariotti, G., Murray, A.B., *Walters, D., Young, D., 2014. Ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and couplings between landscape subsystems influence barrier island response to changing climate. EP33D-07, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Rogers, Moore, L.J., *Goldstein, E.B., 2014. The impact of anthropogenic structures on the delivery of overwash and the evolution of barrier islands. Abstract EP31B-3541, Abstract AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Walters, D., Moore, L.J., * Durán Vinent, O., Fagherazzi, S., Mariotti, G., and Kirwan, M., 2014. How much is too much: The impact of overwash deposition on backbarrier marsh vegetation. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 46, no.6.
*Durán Vinent, O, and Moore L.J., 2014. Barrier island bistability induced by non-vegetated dune nucleation at the beach. International Conference on Aeolian Research.
*Durán Vinent, O. and Moore. L.J., 2014. Vegetation controls on the maximum size of coastal dunes . European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, Abstract EGU2014-9679. Accepted to session GM5.1/SSP3.1.12.
Moore, L.J., and Duran Vinent, O., 2013 (Invited). “Barriers on the Brink? Interactions between biological and physical processes lead to bistability and the potential for rapid response to gradually changing conditions. Abstract EP21A-01, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Walters, D., Moore, L.J., Duran, O., Fagherazzi, S., and Mariotti, G., 2013, Overwash deposition stabilizes backbarrier marshes as sea level rises: Insights from experiments conducted using a coupled barrier island-marsh model. Abstract EP13A-0864, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Grady, A.E., Jenkins, C.J., Moore, L.J., Potts, D.C., Burgess, P.M., Storlazzi, C.D., Elias, E., and Reidenbach, M.A, 2013, Feedbacks between wave energy and declining coral reef structure: Implications for coastal morphodynamics, Abstract EP13A-0837, AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Moore L.J., *Duran Vinent, O, *Walters, D, Fagherazzi, S. *Mariotti, G., Young, D., *Wolner, C.V., (Invited), 2012. “Biological-physical feedbacks determine coastal environmental response to climate change. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
Moore, L.J., *Duran Vinent, O., and D. Young, Department of Biology, 2012, The role of ecomorphodynamics in barrier island response to climate change. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Duran Vinent, O., Moore L.J., and Young, D., 2012 (Invited). The role of vegetation in shaping dune morphology. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Grady, A.E., Moore L.J., Storlazzi, C.D., Elias, E. and Reidenbach, M.A., 2012, Influence of climate change on wave dissipation over coral reefs: Effects on beach morphology, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Johnson, J., Moore L.J., *Ells, K. and Murray, A.B., 2012. Potential geomorphic consequences of wave climate alterations along cuspate coastlines. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Walters, D., Moore, L.J., *Duran Vineng, O, *Mariotti, G. and S. Fagherazzi, 2012, Dynamic interactions and feedbacks between barrier and back-barrier environments, and their role in barrier-marsh co-evolution. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.
*Walters, D., Moore, L.J., *Duran Vinent, O., *Mariotti, G. and S. Fagherazzi, 2012, Modeling the dynamic interactions and feedbacks between barrier islands and fringing back-barrier marshes. Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America.
*Duran Vinent, O., Moore, L.J. and D. Young, 2012. Modeling the formation of dunes on barrier islands. Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America.
*Bissett, S. N., *Brantley, S.T., Young, D.R., *Wolner, C.V., Moore, L.J. 2011. Plant community feedbacks on barrier island geomorphology in response to climate change. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstract 30111.
*Brenner, O.T., and Moore, L.J.. 2010. Exploring the importance of back-barrier marsh deposits in barrier island response to sea level rise . Virginia Coast Reserve, U.S.A. AGU Fall Meeting.
*Oster, D.J., Moore, L.J., Doran, K.S. and Stockdon, H.F., 2010. A temporal assessment of barrier island vulnerability to extreme wave events. Virginia Coast Reserve.AGU Fall Meeting.
*Wolner, C.V., Moore, L.J., Young, D.R., Brantley, S.T., Bissett, 2010. The influence of the “maintainer” feedback on overwash persistence in the Virginia Coast Reserve. Abstract EP33B-0771, AGU Fall Meeting.
*Wilkins, C., Fenster, M.S., *Brenner, O.T., Gontz, A.M. and Moore, L.J., 2010. The influence of nearshore geology on the northern Virginia barrier islands during sea-level rise. Joint Northeast-Southeast Geological Society of America Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 15-16.
Moore, L.J., List, J.H. *Patsch, K., and Williams, S.J., 2009. Barrier island sensitivity to sea-level rise: Insights from numerical model experiments, North Carolina Outer Banks and Chandeleur Islands, LA U.S.A. EOS Transactions AGU, 90(22), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U51A-0012.
Moore, L.J., *Brenner, O, McNamara, D., Murray, A.B., 2009 (Invited). Recent shifts in shoreline orientation along a cuspate coast potentially linked to climate change, North Carolina Outer Banks. USA, EOS Transactions AGU, 90(22), Fall Meet. Suppl., AbstractEP31C-05.
McNamara, D., Murray, A.B., Moore, L.J., *Brenner, O., 2009. Modeling coastline response to changing storm climate. EOS Transactions AGU, 90(22), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U43A-0071.
*Wolner, C.V., Moore, L.J., Young, D.,* Brantley, S., 2009. Biogeomorphic feedbacks in barrier island evolution: Exploring temporal and spatial persistence of overwash zones in the Virginia Coast Reserve. EOS Transactions AGU, 90(22), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract EP31C-06.
Moore, L.J., Williams, S.J., List, J.H., 2008. Complexities in barrier island response to sea-level rise: Insights from model experiments, EOS Transactions, AGU, 89(53),Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23A-1253.
Murray, A.B., Moore, L.J., McNamara, D., *Brenner, O. and Slott, J., 2008. Testable predictions for large-scale coastline-shape changes in response to changing storm climate. EOS Transactions AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS34A-06.
Moore, L.J., 2008. Modeling past and potential future evolution of the Chandeleur Islands of southeastern Louisiana in response to relative-sea level rise.The Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 40(6), p.486.